Call Today (301) 676-3314
Call Today (301) 676-3314
The Mari Program is geared to empower young adults to change their situations by providing housing, employment, transforming their minds for better, and other goals they want to achieve to improve their lives.
Your contribution will enable us to change the course of our young adults and families lives. We are very grateful for your generosity.
We are comprised of people that have passion for working with our young adults and families.
Frederick County residents we need your help!
We provided Prom Assistance in 2024.
Partner with us as we provide hair care and nail salon treatment
for our partner participants of
The Mari Program Inc
We are looking forward to helping more students in 2025!
Support our young adults so they can thrive and achieve their goals in their lives.
Your donation goes directly to supporting young adults.
Thanks for your message!
I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
120 W Church St #3C
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm